
Showing posts from January, 2021

What exactly is blockchain ?

 What exactly is Blockchain? Blockchain is a complicated topic to understand but after reading this blog you would  know  exactly what is blockchain and some more basic concepts like cryptography and blockchain mining .  Before starting off let us look at some important terms which could help us learn blockchain in a much faster way . These terms we are going to see are going to be short and quick : Blockchain : Block with chain . Decentralized : Anything which is not centralized but distributed .(Also called distributed system) P2P Network : Peer to Peer Network . (Point to Point N etwork Connectivity) . Node : A point or a physical device in the Network . Cryptography : A way for secure communication . Key : Key is used to open a secure message from a Node . Now Lets Get Started !  Blockchain - As the word suggests , blockchain means a block with a chain .  A blockchain is nothing but a complicated and an unique Database    Yes ! Blockchain is n...

What is NODE JS ?

What is NODE JS ?  " Node.js is an open-source, cross-platform, back-end JavaScript runtime environment that executes JavaScript code outside a web browser. " Well many questions arise during the process of learning web development and one of them is : What the heck is this Node JS ? Is it a programming language or a framework or some sci-fi term for programming  ?    " The real truth is Node JS is a  runtime environment built on V8 JavaScript Engine  "

Web Development - MERN STAK

 WEB DEVELOPMENT - MERN STACK MERN Stack  is a JavaScript  Stack  that is used for easier and faster deployment of full- stack  web applications.  MERN Stack  comprises of 4 technologies namely: MongoDB, Express, React and Node JS. It is designed to make the development process smoother and easier. " The most asked question - Frontend VS Backend " To make it less complicated let us consider or body . We have our outer body and our inner body . The outer body represents how we look also represented as our frontend of our system .  The inner body is responsible for everything happening inside the system which could also represented as our backend of our system . MERN STACK - M - MongoDB                 E - Express Java Script                 R - React Java Script                N - Node Java Script...